

Codapt is an AI tool that automates much of the process of building Next.js 13 full stack applications. At the ETHGlobal New York 2023 hackathon, I used Codapt to build AirTracker, a tool to track the location of AirTags on EVM-based blockchains, in less than 20 hours. Over 90% of the code was generated using Codapt, and AirTracker received the highest number of prizes (10, totaling $8933) out of the more than 300 projects and over 1000 developers, despite being built by me alone (along with Codapt) while other teams had up to five developers.

The total computation cost of the code generation was $30.55.

Prompts used

Here are some of the prompts used in generation (some of the prompt history was lost due to the length)

below the table of historical snapshot points, embed a map that overlays these points. use functions in utils to convert the lat lon data returned as an int from the api to a float.

refactor the table of location history into a separate component

add lines between the historical points in the map

hide the historical location table under an expandable section below the map view

in the setTagLocation endpoint, only add a new location snapshot to the database if the integer version of the lat or lon has changed by more than 400. update the last updated field of the tag either way.